Monday, October 6, 2008

United in saying NO to Proposal 8

Week 2 brought K and me to the United Methodist Church in Hollywood. I immediately felt at ease here, despite being five minutes late and coming in after the service had started. Whereas we were 15 minutes early last week, this week I felt confident that the Methodist's wouldn't mind that I had gotten lost.

The music here was more to my liking--I had missed the songs I once sung at the Free Methodist church in my hometown. I wished that some I knew would arise, but it seemed a tad more traditional than the church I had gone to at home. That said, I was swooned by the church's political awareness--but we'll get to that.

After the service started, I squealed in K's ear--"It's children's sermon!" Children's church in my hometown was my favorite of the Sundays. The service went on to include the entire world, as well as children from the congregation--what a lucky Sunday we had visited on. I instantly forgot my disappointment at missing St. Francis of Assisi Sunday at the Episcopal chuch we had visited last weekend.

Overall, the service here went smoothly. The sermon felt good, felt right, taught me about myself, and I didn't feel like I was getting a lesson for disobeying someone. I loved the music, and the welcome was hearty but didn't include a guilt-filled mug. Not that I am blaming the Episcopal church for their choice of welcome--it is my own prejudices that filled the mug to the brim last week.

Afterwards, we were welcome by the Reverend, a woman who teemed with joy. As we walked outside, we were greeted by those at the welcome table--who were handing out lawn signs that said "Vote NO to Proposal 8." Proposal 8 is a California amendment to ban the right of homosexuals to marry in the state of California.

Boy, did I feel good at this church.

Regardless, we are moving on. Next week we have a pause, for I have another commitment, but in two weeks we hope to restart. We'll see...

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